Water crisis. The Po river gives us back our trash. - Aspis Wear



By Francesco Lolli

2018 and 20019 has been significative years for the topic of enviromental sensibilization. More than this, they have been a lightening example of how this event is increasing in intensity and importance.

The main and most significative (for us) consequence of temperature increase is the loss of the traditional sistem of rain and cold wich characterized the north italian regions during winter. The derangement of temperatures kept to a general loss of the equilinrium of steams (air and waters, hot and cold) wich degenerated in a disequilibrium of rain during the last months and seasons, having an unusual siccity intermitted by devastating floods (just think about Trentino forests).

These floods, useless other than devastating because not giving a right amount of water in the long time, so it can?t penetrate the ground ir jus steam rivers, just interrupt and not often a continuative and one fof te longest water crisis in the region history.

Main exampple is the Po river nowadays: The mighty ang gigantic river wich make the natural border of the northen regions and recieve the water from almost all of the rivers of northen italy usually runs at 2500 cubic meters for second (the same than an olimpic swimming pool) on a lenght between the sides of more than 200 meters, but now it become most a creek loosing one third of it’s capacity and because of this, for the loss of boost, also it’s velocity, bobbing between two very closer (now) edges.

Waters of the Po river since studies about bagan has been a showing paper of cities of the Padan Flat, remembering investigations like the one that checked the level of drugs in the water to understand the medium release of blackwaters in it, or the beeing or not of fish and water creature near them, to show if the water was safe or chemically polluted.

The areas surronding the end of the river and the city of Ferrara have been also theather (to remember) of the firsts experiments pointed on reducing the pollution of plastic and garbage of the waters before they’d reach the sea: already almost 20 years ago has been introduced there the first floating barriers.

Now fishes are suffering again for the lack of space and oxygen because of her stagniation, and the once deep, rocky backdrop are now open shores, sadly covered like in a second depth of old and new plastic and iron garbages that we forgot about, and never tought that was possible to fins so many there.

Like usual the circle is closing in a clear connection of events and causes, responsabilities and consequences between human beeing and the enviroment surroinding it.

A lot of initiatives altready took space to take ”advantage” of this situation and handly clean, in groups of volunteers, these shores, but we have to hope that they will disappear (clean) again and stay in the depth of a river able again to bring to the sea the rains wich gave life to these regions since history rememeber, we have to hope again this April to go out with the umbrella.

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